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Goojung Engineering



Auto Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) System

SPERA is an automated Solid-Phase Extraction system(SPE).

SPERA automates all steps of SPE (conditioning, loading, rinsing, and eluting) with a robotic arm, enabling the SPE process to be quicker and more accurate.

Automated SPE process can improve efficiency of the sample preparation.

SPERA - Auto Solid Phase Extraction System


  • Robotic arm moving along X, Y, Z axes.
  • Simultaneous movement of both X and Y axes of robotic arm to accelerate SPE process.
  • User-friendly software – SPE method can easily be saved and edited, and all of SPE steps can be conveniently monitored through graphic images.
  • Smart detection and alarm system when low on solvent.
  • Sample extraction from different type of cartridges at the same time.
  • Sample extraction from A/B tandem cartridge.